June sketchbook

Quick catch-up with a few from June. Slowly getting the hang of balancing a sketchbook and watercolour kit on the steering wheel. All Winsor Newton Bijou box watercolour and Uniball Vision Micro pen (or sepia Pitt pen) in a Stillman & Birn Epsilon sketchbook.  I’m beginning to think its not possible to get a smooth wash with a waterbrush on this paper – probably not getting it wet enough.

Malaga factory watercolour
Malaga factory watercolour


Bullsbrook netball courts in watercolour
Bullsbrook netball courts in watercolour


Warwick phone box in watercolour
Wierd phone box, Warwick. Watercolour.

Ballajura rust bucket in watercolour
Ballajura rust bucket in watercolour


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