A few from July

July saw in the beginning of another new sketchbook – this one a Moleskine watercolour. The paper is great – no buckling… The cover is sturdy and I really like the elastic closure. The only issue is the wide format – I like it well enough for drawing  and enjoyed the composition challenge. It feels cinematic. Extremely so when drawing across the gutter as I often do.  The hassle is scanning it – solved by making time at work to use a large format scanner…

All Winsor & Newton watercolour, graphite and Uniball gel pen.

Joondalup Library in watercolour
Joondalup Library in watercolour

Govenor Stirling SHS in watercolour
Governor Stirling SHS in watercolour

Industrial area bins after the storm, Malaga, Western Australia in watercolour

Industrial area office, Malaga, Western Australia in watercolour
Industrial area office, Malaga, Western Australia in watercolour

Industrial area office, Malaga, Western Australia in watercolour
Industrial area office, Malaga, Western Australia in watercolour