Goulet Pen Company

Goulet Pen Company packaging
Goulet Pen Company packaging

I am most impressed with Goulet Pen Company – 12 days to Western Australia, not a drop spilled AND a surprise Tootsie Pop : )

Even though I opted for the lowest cost shipping it was still expensive. The ink itself was a lot less than any Australian supplier so it didn’t end up being that much extra. If I had ordered a couple of items it would probably have worked out about the same. Noted for future.

I did try to order in Australia first but no one had it in stock.

Testing Noodlers ink
Testing Noodlers ink

These are all Noodler’s inks. The only one that doesn’t create a wash with water is the Lexington Grey. That matters a lot for pen and ink if I want to add watercolour. The others are a cool effect too. All are safe in a fountain pen.


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