Open Box M with glass
- 10 x 12 Open Box M palette – with a piece of glass custom cut to fit. Under the glass is a sheet of paper coated with a mix of Golden acrylic N6 & N7 to get a good mid neutral grey. On top of that is a hand painted grey scale, also on paper with Golden acrylic neutrals. It is held in place on the grey background with double-sided tape. The glass goes over that, then silicon caulk to seal the edges. It made the box heavier but easier to clean – just scrape then wipe down with a baby wipe.
- Manfrotto BeFree light weight camera tripod
- Home made wet panel holder (shown below). This one is made to fit 25x30cm panels. Look for square dowel at the hardware store which will just fit inside the big bulldog clips. Cut small spacers from smaller square dowel. (A better design would be to use half round dowel as the spacers because it wouldn’t touch the painting surface so much.) This works fine for me. I have made several of these plus others in different sizes. I make my own panels.
Home made wet panel holder
When assembled the panels face inwards to protect the surface whether wet or dry.
Home made wet panel holder closed
- Brush carrier made with PVC plumbing or irrigation pipe and two end caps. The length depends on the brushes you prefer – short handle or long. Glue one end cap with plumbing glue. Optional: if the end caps look the same wrapping colourful tape around the lid makes it easy to see which end is which.
Home made brush carrier
Sundry items
- Paper towels
- Rubbish bag – I save plastic grocery bags
- Non-spill turps container
- Baby wipes
- Hat & insect repellent
- Paint – current colours are:
- indigo
- yellow ochre
- cadium yellow light
- cadmium red
- permanent crimson
- burnt umber
- titanium white
- black
- Munsell neutrals #3, #5 and #7
And, yes, it does all fit in the bag…