Makeshift photo backdrop

A thought offered, in all humility, from one who knows not much (if anything) most days. And some days even less…

Found myself in the studio looking for an urgent means to block out the background for a photo of a sculpture. (Yeah – it’s a mess in there – not a blank wall to be had anywhere.) The usual thing the pros have is a tall frame and fabric. Such things can be had on E-Bay but they’re pricey even there. Couldn’t find anything even remotely like that here that might be pressed into service – besides all the bed sheets on hand have patterns on them. Ninja Turtles anyone? I didn’t think so…

Then the desperate eye rested on a stack of canvases. Yes! Add a handful of clamps… Pictures say the rest. Note that the structure is clamped to the table top as well as the canvases to each other. And if they get a bit grubby with storage and use? Well, I reckon they might just take a coat of paint.

Photo backdrop

Photo backdrop


Form I (2007) Wood and stainless steel, 600mm x 900mm – 600mm

One thought on “Makeshift photo backdrop”

  1. That’s a pretty cool DIY lightbox/backdrop you made. I once made something like that but much smaller, for small product photography for a website. Also, for larger projects where I actually needed a full size backdrop I found some reasonably-priced ones as a site called Photographic Backdrop

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