I’m taking part in my first international print exchange and here’s a little preview of my offering – the first proof off the press.
This print is 10″ x 8″ to comply with the rules for the exchange – normally I work a bit bigger than this which meant I had nothing suitable in my files. A new design was called for.
It’s a linocut worked on a piece of grey Silkcut lino. This particular print, being one of the first proofs, is printed with waterbased ink on heavy cartridgepaper. The edition will use the lovely Graphic Supplies oil based ink on Stonehenge paper. In fact the paper is already cut to size and everything set to go – just waiting for me to stop typing and go print instead.
The deadline for prints is ages away but I’m getting it finished now, along with several others for other exhibitions because once I’m back at college printing has to take a backseat to assignments.
The kitty-cat pictured is Smoky – 8 years old which makes him a senior. In our house that’s meaningless he’s just a kitten compared to Rosie who’s over 21. Then there are the four young ‘uns… yes that does make six. Then there are two dogs, two sheep, 8 ducks, 7 chooks and a rabbit.
The hardest part with this print is coming up with a name. If I were keeping it, I would just call it Smoky. Decision pending…
I like the cat lino especially walking down the path,Kylie. The greenery is well established too.